Sait 76226 Ovation Attacker 5X7/8 Z40X Pkg=10 .
Sait 76226 Ovation Attacker 5X7/8 Z40X Pkg=10?SAIT 76226 5X7/8 Ovation Attacker Heavy Duty High Density Flap Discs 40 GritPart # 76226SAIT Ovation Attacker, Conformability, Softer Cushioned Design, Ideal for Irregular Surfaces. Flap design allows the use of light pressure to produce the Perfect Finish. For Use on Stainless Steel, High Tensile Steel, Titanium, Ferrous/Non-Ferrous Metals, Aluminum, Copper and Brass.Sait 76226 Features: Series Flap Discs Application Metal/Stainless/Aluminum Diameter 5" Arbor 7/8" Max RPM Material Premium Zirconium Grit 40 Package 10 Weight 3.6
Sait 76226 Ovation Attacker 5X7/8 Z40X Pkg=10?
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