LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L

Looking for LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L Great Deals, Online shopping, LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L

Downcut Finisher, Spiral Router Bits - (2 Flute) Solid Carbide - Vortex 1360L. Cutting Edge Diameter 1/2 Cutting Edge Length 1 3/4 Shank Diameter 1/2 Overall Length 3 1/2. Downcut tools are used where the downshearing effect of the tool is preferred. This tool will produce a clean top edge cut of dado type or groove type cut or simple a thru-cut where the bottom edge cut quality is not important, Direct chip flow downward. Help hold part onto table or pods, When nest cutting the tool path remains packed with chips helping preserve maximum vacuum, Never plunge straight down with downcut tooling. This may cause fire or tool breakage.

LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L
Product By : Vortex

LH 2 Flute Downcut Finisher, 1/2 Dia, 1-3/4 Cut Length, 1/2 Shank, Vortex 1360L #.


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